A Numb Spiral Death Hole
Welcome. You have reached the online hub for The Numb Spiral.
Disassociative Productions designs bad trips for . Open your eyes and see how close you are the hole. [ is lacking.]
Here, through the Digital Sickness,
principal designer, M. Woods (born 1988, NYC). M. Latino media terrorist making immersive media drugs in 2006 years of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide, active ingred Robitussin cough crimson flows; down bitter cherry syrup; without barfing up fructose purpled swollen tongue.
M. without proper identity, found one in a television grandmother cleaned white people. M. born with pale flesh, absent white. father, made fun of his grandmother’s accent, M called her the house-cleaner. White privilege
deformed heart spiral, around his esophagus and trachea.
solipsistic white boys suffering amusing. M. hydrocodone parents’ cabinet. remembers smell vomit filling sinuses surprise bed m movie drug Numb Spiral constellation map occluded physical world; Numb Spiral projecting underneath. transcended sensory experience of VALIS.] After the revelation, M. began using recording holes as his primary instruments for the manufacture infamous media drugs. [These internationally-distributed media drugs have received: not res nihil ]
You may have come here to learn more about the Numb Spiral, which in the contemporary cosmogony is often described in relation to the Digital Sickness. The Sickness tendrils . virtual physical. z space, hard exoskeleton nervous system housed, Satellite components have necessitated transformation Digital Sickness mechanomorphic siphonophore implicate codification sphere virtual double symbolic negation of being. Digital Sickness white loves:
pretty Numb Spiral the place heard about? time-space. take the right path. right time 26131326 Numb Spiral, where you’ll be asked u. u. unhinge your consciousness swallow.
A ticket to Diz. land awaits.
Disassociative , M. , leads you to Numb Spiral. cartography capitalism, solipsism, nihilism, and white supremacy.
infected Digital Sickness suc
cumb perception total
illusion. Digital Sickness slithers 101010101
nibbling heart mediated representation.
It projects itself, broadcasts into any space,
degrades reality (down to the atomic)
increasing resolution serpent emptier the world. Ouroboros
(HOROS) eats
the world finite. The Numb Spiral
offers an exit! Digital Sickness fruitful will . double itself everything still.
M.’s bad trips designed incites violence
resistance corporate governmental necropowers parparasiticallyasitically broadcast viral Nihilism.